The village adoption programme was implemented since 1998 by the then Dr. I.V. Subba Rao, Vice-Chancellor with the objective of overall development of the village at 50 centres in the undivided university. Since that time S.V. Agricultural college, Tirupati had been involved in this programme and adopted integrated approach for overall development of these adopted villages. In each village, adoption programme carried by the faculty for a period of three years by identifying their resources, knowledge, felt and unfelt needs and chalkout programmes for the holistic development of village.
Objective of the Programme:
The prime objective of the programme is overall development of the village: The programme works by utilizing Farmer –Scientist linkages in technology transfer. This also enables the adoption of technologies without time lag between technology generation and adoption with technology dissemination losses.
At present S.V. Agricultural College Tirupati adopted Sanambatla village in Chandragiri mandal (from 2018) which 15 km away from S.V. Agricultural College Tirupati.
Specific characters of the village
Cropping pattern of the village: Groundnut – Paddy – fallow
Paddy –Paddy- fallow
Sugarcane – Paddy
Groundnut –fallow/fodder crops
Farming Systems in the village: Agriculture + Dairy
Agriculture + Horticulture
Agriculture + Sericulture
Sericulture + Dairy
Horticulture + Dairy
Problems identified
Paddy: stem borer, leaf folder, thrips and blast
sugarcane: ESB, internode borer, scales, white fly, whip smut, rust
Groundnut: late leaf spot, collar rot, rust, thrips
Chili : leaf curl, Cercospora leaf spot
Mango: Hoppers, anthracnose, fruit fly
Activities under taken:
Activities under taken with linkages of line departments:
Training programmes organized
S.No. | Date | Topic | Remarks |
1. | 29.3.18 | Low cost technologies in paddy and groundut | |
2. | 14.2.19 | Management practices in major crops | |
3. | 24.7.19 | Farmer – Scientist Interaction |
Activity photos at a glance